Podcast Topic


Carol Triggiano: Chicago Waldorf School

Guest: Carol Triggiano

Longtime Chicago Waldorf teacher Carol Triggiano sits down with Kelly to explore how the Waldorf curriculum is focused on the whole, developing child and their plans for a new outdoor space named after Kelly's daughter Nora.

Rita McGrath: Seeing Around Corners

Guest: Rita McGrath

Kelly gets insights from Columbia Business School professor Rita McGrath about the coming changes in tech, education, and the way we lead our businesses.

Hal Gregersen: Questions are the Answer

Guest: Hal Gregersen

Kelly connects with Executive Director of the MIT Leadership Center, Hal Gregersen, about his new book: “Questions are the Answer.”

Kelly Palmer: The Expertise Economy

Guest: Kelly Palmer

Kelly connects with the former Chief Learning Officer of LinkedIn, Kelly Palmer. Her new book, "The Expertise Economy," shows us how most learning programs aren't conducive to the science of how we actually learn.

Sylvia Smith and Nick Johne: Improvisation For Autism

Guest: Sylvia Smith and Nick Johne

Kelly meets up with Dr. Sylvia Smith, Executive Director of Giant Steps and Improv teacher Nick Johne to discuss their unique partnership developing and leading Improvisation for Autism classes.

Nicholas Chater: The Mind Is Flat…And It Improvises

Guest: Nicholas Chater

Kelly has an intriguing conversation with Behavioral Scientist Nicholas Chater whose controversial new book, “The Mind is Flat,” challenges the concepts of mental depth and unconscious thinking.

Melissa Shilling: Quirky

Guest: Melissa Shilling

Kelly talks to Professor Melissa Shilling whose new book “Quirky” explores the science the traits that drive geniuses like Elon Musk, Thomas Edison, Steve Jobs and Marie Curie.